‘Flamenco Nights’ world première by Barcelona Flamenco Ballet at Sibiu International Theatre Festival

Between the two productions that Flamenco Agency is working on for Sibiu International Theatre Festival this year, you will find the world première of the new Barcelona Flamenco Ballet production ‘Flamenco Nights’, which will take place on June 14th, 2020. This will be the latest show of Barcelona Flamenco Ballet during this festival, as they will be in fact presenting ‘Flamenco Reborn’ on the 12th and 13th of the same month.



Barcelona Flamenco Ballet is an international flamenco dance company, which promotes Barcelonese art worldwide. It is reinforced as a reference to Catalan art and a meeting point for the recognition of professional dancers.

From December 2019 to the end of January 2020, Barcelona Flamenco Ballet was touring through some of the most important venues in China with the production ‘Flamenco Reborn’, which fuses three dance styles together – jazz, contemporary and flamenco. In the show, the dancers and musicians try to approach the audience in a more informal way, becoming more conversational. Barcelona Flamenco Ballet is not just a dance performance – but a work of art. Consequently, we can expect the new show, ‘Flamenco Nights’, to be even more incredible than the last one they prepared, with which they performed twice at NCPA (China National Centre for the Performing Arts), one of the most prestigious opera houses, and three times at Shanghai International Dance Centre Grand Theatre. From November 10th to 20th, 2020, Barcelona Flamenco Ballet will be touring around South Korea and from November 20th to the end of December around China.

The Sibiu International Theatre Festival is the most important annual festival of performing arts in Romania and maybe the third most relevant in Europe. It lasts for ten days and it includes more than 500 activities. This year, Flamenco Agency arrives for the fourth time with Barcelona Flamenco Ballet and its new world première ‘Flamenco Nights’. Its previous productions took place between 2016 and 2018, two of them also world premieres:

  • In 2016, they presented ‘Carmen’ and the world première of ‘Flamenco Suite’, both by Antonio Andrade Flamenco Company.
  • In 2017, they presented ‘…That Silverio’ and ‘Flamenco, Tradition, Avant-Garde’, a world première by the best flamenco ballet in the world, the Andalusian Flamenco Ballet.  
  • And finally, in 2018, they performed ‘Flamenco Journey’ and ‘Flamenco Roots’ by De Sangre y Raza Flamenco Company.

‘Flamenco Nights’ is 1 hour 40 minutes long and is composed of seven dancers, five musicians and three technicians. They do not require a flamenco dance floor, which make it easier for all venues who want to present this Ballet. 

In conclusion, we can deduce that, after the successful and large career of Barcelona Flamenco Ballet, a visual and artistic performance is guaranteed. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness a world première of one of the most famous music genres all over the world. This spectacular show promises to be breath-taking, brilliant and passionate in every possible way. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact our Director, Jaime Trancoso, at info@flamencoagency.com, if you require any further information.

Click on the links below to access websites: 


Barcelona Flamenco Ballet

New production promo video in Youtube: https://youtu.be/ylCPwYKqm3Y 

New production promo video in Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQxODY5MTY2OA==.html