Hamlet Flamenco in the 1st edition of FITT, Cluj-Napoca, October 6, 2024

After a great performance at Craiova International Shakespeare Festival, we are very excited to return to Romania with “Hamlet Flamenco” by Jesús Herrera Flamenco Ballet for the 1st edition of the FITT (Transilvania International Theatre Festival in Cluj): https://www.facebook.com/FITTransilvania

These are the pictures from the last performance in Craiova: https://flamencoagency.com/craiova-international-shakespeare-festival/ and the promotional video for the local Romanian TV: https://youtu.be/fgl2foZsfK0

We met Transilvania International Theatre Festival in Cluj’s director, Elena Ivanca, after performing “Carmen” recently at Cluj-Napoca Opera House within the frame of Opera Aperta.

Here you can also find an interview to Jesús Herrera in Romanian: https://issuu.com/flamencoagency/docs/interview_in_craiova_zile_si_nopti._hr

We really like to perform in theatre festivals, we actually perform annually very close to Cluj, at the also beautiful city of Sibiu for FITS (Sibiu International Theatre Festival).

Look forward to seeing you at Casa de Cultură in Cluj on October 6th!
